Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Kid on the Blog

Hi Everyone,
  My name is Tom and I'm a 67 year old retired airline pilot living and playing in Livingston, Montana. Aside from enjoying all the free time retirement affords you my main interests are PC flight simulation, golf, baseball, and fly fishing hence the blog title of Flyballgame. Those will be the primary topics that will be covered therein and if you like anything about this let me know and even the stuff you don't particularly care for, so here it goes and wish me luck.


1 comment:

  1. Fantastic!!! I think I will start addressing you as Cecil B. This is the first real look I have had of your "spread." No doubt why you and Lillian are there and enjoying it so. I am also very impressed with your computer skills. Didn't know you were a GEEK either. But I loved every minute of it...but there's no crying in Blogging! Regards, BS
